PGA Inventor's Pavilion

We are extremely excited to announce that we were accepted to the PGA Inventor's Pavilion at the 2022 PGA Merchandise Show in Orlando Florida at the end of January 2022. A select number of new products are accepted to participate and have a front seat to the most influential people in the golf industry. 

We are ecstatic to meet with golf aficionados and glean valuable feedback about Stance Caddy and how it may fit in the golf training market. 

I personally attended the event two years ago to get a sense of the market place, and let me tell is huge! Hundreds upon hundreds of golf related products are on display. Major golf club manufacturers, golf training aids, manufacturing, delivery, clothing, you name it...everyone is there! 

The Inventor's Pavilion provides an amazing opportunity to meet with other like minded golf teams and hosts an awards program in a few categories for new entrants. We have our fingers crossed and a lot of work ahead of us to get ready!

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